Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making Money Online - How to Find Your Niche in the Market

For anyone who wants to make money online, finding their niche is the first and most important step that they need to learn about. The niche is that sector of the online marketplace that you should corner and focus all your online moneymaking efforts on. When you target a specific niche with laser-like precision, you increase your chances of making money online, you make your work easier for you, and you also lower your chances of getting burned out later on.

Now, how do you find a specific niche on which you can focus all your efforts in making money online? Here is how:

Find out what drives you. Running an online business can be a time-consuming project. It can also require some emotional investment, especially if it is your first time to try out making money online. To make it easier for you, you should list down the things you are passionate about. And then you find products and services that fit.

For example, if you are a bookworm, you can try becoming an affiliate marketer for online booksellers like Since you love books, it will not be difficult for you to find selling points for them and convincing your target audience why they should buy this or that book.

Find a specific product that you know a lot about. To be able to sell a product or service effectively, you need to be knowledgeable about the product. It may be tough for you to learn new information about a specific product at this point, so it may be best for you to start with what you already know. In this way, it will be easier for you to promote your product because you already know what to promote about it.

So let us say that you love books. Naturally, it is possible for you to like certain genres more than others. So let us pretend here that you like reading books in the horror genre. You can focus your online moneymaking efforts on horror, ghost stories or vampire tales.

Find out market demand. You can learn about market demand for your niche by zeroing in on specific keywords to use. In our horror and vampire books example, if you use the Google AdWords keywords tool and if you type in "vampire books" in the search box, it will give you a list of keywords used in the last month related to "vampire books." You will notice that among the list of keywords are vampire books written by Anne Rice and the books in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga. You will also notice that those keywords have a high ranking, indicating that there is a high demand for those books. So, you now have a target niche and possible products to sell.
It is not that difficult to find a niche when you try to make money online. It is, nonetheless, the first and most important thing you need to learn about when you are making money online.

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