It happens and you can make it happen for your clients as well. There are a few, and I mean only a few stylists that really research how to make the right visual accents so when a customer walks in they just sense that the salon is in tune with what they really want to do, and that is to visually excite people when they walk in to a room. Isn't that what you're offering? To make them that visual reference point that others are in awe of when you cut or color their hair?
How can you do that without breaking the bank? It's really simple, just take a trip to allposters on the web and find some pictures that will enhance your studio. There is so much there that you'll probably have to make a couple of visits before you can decide on what you want to use.
Plan my friend, exactly what type of atmosphere you want to create... and then put it together. I'll never forget the "experiences" I had as a young twenty something in the clothing boutiques of the late sixties and early seventies. I mean the sights, smells, and sounds just kept me wanting to hang around and look at clothes for hours. Did I buy? Most of the time and the total experience was a big part of why.
The next area to discuss is your sound system, not that you have to have some elaborate stereo system but I'll tell you that now with the XM capabilities it's easy to import just exactly the kind of music that pleases you and your customers with just a small monthly expense to pay for the monthly subscription. That's just one of the possibilities. Another is of course you loading your iPod with all kinds of music and setting it in a cradle that delivers stereo to your studio. Is there other ways?
Oh yea, actually too many to even mention them all. But the point is that you want to incorporate music into your salon.
Even right now while I write this I'm listening to Chris Botti so I keep the creative juices flowing, and I know that you can find your source of inspiration as well. Were you even aware that there is such a thing as music therapy? It's real and you know it to be so as music can put you into all kinds of moods... right? Right!
I promise you that your customers will like it as well. You might try to have some different genres available as you'll have a variety of clients in your salon, so be cool and deliver some awesome sounds to your clients.
The last thought today is for kinesthetic or "feeling." How can you create a feel in a studio? Visual and audio will certainly set the stage so to that add some good smells and create a sense of feeling by you presenting yourself as the expert and with your confidence to make your customer into what they wish they were. Can you do that? Don't people fantasize about how they really look and act? Of course they do and when you help them with their hair it gives an incredible edge to that client to go attack their world when they leave you. Learn to touch in ways to adds to your customer's experience. I just wrote an article about a 5 minute shampoo that absolutely makes me feel wonderful.
My normal yearly exercise is to visit as many different salons as I can so I can get as many different ideas as I can as to what exactly is going on in this industry. And then I write about it to you. So I sort of do the research for you and then give you all the best things to build your business with. With all that being said, I can tell you that there are some very good stylists in this industry but as I told my wife last night the very one that I think cut my hair the best wouldn't listen to a single marketing strategy that I gave her. I could have brought in more traffic for her than she could have ever handled but she was stuck in a rut with her own perceptions of how to bring in customers. The interesting thing is that now being 3 years later, she's still trying different things to get customers in the door. I like to keep up on her and her shop, just to see if she will ever find the answer.
You can have so much more by utilizing proven marketing strategies... if you will. But if you won't... well then you're be like my favorite stylist, still looking for more customers for years to come. It doesn't have to be that hard.
Thanks To : Buy SHOES Now and Pay Later my blog magic
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