The debate between which is better while comparing spikeless golf shoes and spiked golf shoes has been raging on for some time now, but based on the facts on ground and also on recent innovations, it will be safe to say that the spiked golf footwear is better that the spikeless footwear.
The major drawback or disadvantage that the spiked ones have had all along is the fact that back then spikes were made of metals. These metals were very effective in maintaining a golfer's traction while he swings his club but on the other hand it destroys the uniform distribution of grasses on the golf course. In addition to that, it can cause a serious injury if the wearer of a metal spiked shoe mistakenly steps on someone. This drawback made the managemen s shoes are now by far better than its competitor. You can use them in both wet and dry courses, they still provide the same traction and composure that the metal spiked one provide and most importantly they are very friendly to the greens. They do not till the greens as compared shoes that are made of plastic spikes, not only will you be able to use it all year round on a wet or dry course but it would also help you improve your all round golf game. Cheers!
I have a keen interest on the game of golf and its related matters; I have researched and found out five of the best golf shoe makers in the world. Go to the next page to take a look at a critical review of the five best golf shoe makers in the world. Take advantage of any of their golf shoes and improve your overall game play, especially your swing.
See Also : How to buy the right shoes. Buy Shoe Pay Later Hard to find shoes size
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