Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Control Your Money - The Big Scary Word - Budget

The idea of having a "budget" is very scary to a some people. It makes you feel like you are being controlled somehow. It makes you have self control and not splurge $400 on clothes and pay it "later." Where is all this debt going to lead you? We all have to face facts that they money we spend that we don't have will not just take care of itself and you have to start taking care of it now!

Make a list, figure out where your money to going! Here are some things for you to look at when you are making your list.

Auto Expenses - maintenance, gas, car payments

Clothing Expenses - shirts, sweaters, shoes, socks, underwear, anywear!

Dental Expenses - cleanings, dental work, surgery, anything not on your insurance

Dining Expenses - restaurant food, fast food expenses, snacks

Entertainment - concerts, movies, cable TV, anything you do for fun

Gifts - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc

Groceries - anything you buy at the grocery store

Household Items - furniture, cleaning items, etc

Insurance - auto, life, home insurance

Pet Expenses - if you have pets, list what you buy for them every month

Rent or Mortgage - most likely your biggest expense

Taxes - real estate and income taxes paid

Utilities - phone bills, electricity, gas, water bills

Vacation Savings - hotels, airplane tickets, tours, souvenirs

Once you have all these listed, see if there is anything you can do to reduce the amount you are spending every month. Maybe find a cheaper auto insurance company. Maybe you could rent movies instead of going out to the movies every week. Use less electricity and conserve water and save on your utilities. It's all up to you how much you want to save!

Friends Link : Buy SHOES Now and Pay Later my blog magic

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