Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Girls Ministry Ideas - In Their Shoes

Girls Ministry Ideas - In Their Shoes

If you are going to come up with powerful and effective girls ministry ideas there is a big step you must take. One of the first things that you must do if you are going to successfully brainstorm how to run your ministry is put yourself in the shoes of those you minister to. In this article I will discuss just how to go about this.

If you think about it putting yourself in the shoes of those you minister to makes perfect sense. How could you ever come up with ways to minister to someone if you do not think about what they are going through? How could you ever effectively reach someone if you do not understand their likes, interests, and their needs? That is why this step should be one of the first things you do before anything else in your ministry, especially when it comes to coming up with great girls ministry ideas.


There are a few ways you can go about this. One is to reminisce. Try to remember what it was like to be a teenager and all the things you went through. Think about your likes and interests. Think about the struggles and temptations that you faced. This can begin to get you in the right mindset as you prepare to figure out how exactly to minister to the girls in your church. If you are a guy you obviously you could never fully understand what it is like to be a teenage girl but you will still want to remember what it was like to be a teenager.

Then you will also want to go talk to a woman in your ministry about the specific needs of girls in this phase of life. The next thing you will want to do is put yourselves in the shoes of your girls now. Think through the culture they live in. Think through what has changed since you were a kid. Think through the specific issues and struggles facing your community. This will give you a more specific context of the type of ministry you need to be offering them. Finally, you need put yourself in the shoes of those who will participate in the events you plan and the lessons you will teach. How will the words sound? What will their experience be like? Will they clearly be able to see the purpose behind what you have planned and prepared? If not you may want to make some subtle changes or adjust how you market and advertise events or lessons.

I believe these important ideas will go a long way in helping you come up with more powerful and effective girls ministry ideas. I encourage you to implement them in your next brainstorming session and make one of your first steps putting yourself in the shoes of those you minister to. If you do will be amazed at the power and effectiveness your ministry has on those you minister to.

Girls Ministry Ideas - In Their Shoes

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Jamie Starrett is a student pastor and has been at the same church for over 12 years and He loves it! He has two boys that he loves going camping and riding bikes with and a beautiful wife that is his best friend and partner in life.

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